Monday, 28 January 2013

Geek News

First off in geek news today, the 3D conversions of the Star Wars Franchise has been cancelled. The purpose to focus on the new trilogy released of course by Disney. Second Paul Giamatti is up for a possible role as rhino. As great as an actor he is, the choice to use rhino and electro as villains in film is a bit weak. The comic book versions of the villains are pretty much bank robber types. Not Any real motivation for you to care about them. Though if they can do the Sinister Six in the 3rd movie lead by norman osborn, thats something i can get behind. I would just like to see Kravens last hunt done as a movie(but thats just me) have the hero losing in the end would make for a bad ass spidey movie.

Invincible 100 is also my pick of the week. check that bad boy out wednesday for the conclusion of the "death of everyone" storyline.

Also some pics of The Wolverine and Kick Ass 2 have been released.

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Ultimate X-cast

X-Men Days of Future Past is looking wicked promising. Anna Paquin,Ellen Page and shawn Ashmore have been signed to the film. I cant believe there are 7 X-men movies its been 12 years since the first film. Who will be signed next? Alan cumming? James Marsden? for those of you that don't know Days of Future Past is a famous comic storyline in the early 80's.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

The Mist!

As one of my all time favorite short stories, I really enjoyed the move The Mist. It is always such a trip to think of what is really going on with reality and how close are these "horrors" to us. The book and the movie differ only with how the creatures make their way over here, and not wanting to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it, the idea that we create a window to look into another dimension, or plain of existence really gets me both excited and scared. When I think of what could possibly be out there I could go on and on but the reality is is that we don't know. I don't think our minds could comprehend what is out there and that is why we make most Aliens out to look humanoid or look similar to things on our own planet. I know this is a bit of a stretch from comics and games and such but I am obsessed and have been for as long as I can remember with what else is out there. Anyways, I found these concept arts out at and thought to share them! Nuff Said

Thursday, 24 January 2013

well some dude thinks its a good idea to make a documentary about the failed Nick Cage and Tim Burton Superman project. Well not saying its a bad idea i guess but its gotta be packed full of bad ideas. I still would have watched the superman movie if it came out, comic book guy here doesn't look to impressed.

How do I look tim are u sure its good....


I am super jazzed about this one folks! JJ is one of my favorite directors and to hear that he is directing the upcoming starwars movie gives me a nerdgasm. To think about what this guy did to a Star Trek movie just makes me imagine what he has in store for this one! Like really people, fucking Star Trek! I never thought in a million years that I would ever entertain the thought of watching a Star Trek movie(and to any Trekie that wants to tell me to watch this movie or that, fuck off, I wont say I hate Star Trek but it's like going shopping with a girl, fucking torture!)and this cat made me love the movie! Anyways, I`m fucking stoked for this movie and I hope he does it justice! Nuff Said

Fantastic Fan Made BatFilm!! City of Scars!

City of Scars is one of the best fan made Batman films, let alone any fan made films, I have ever seen. I remember the first one where Batman fights the Joker, then one of the Xenomorphs and a Predator shows up, but this one actually is very much a legit batfilm in my opinion. Take a look and enjoy this great piece of fan fic! Nuff Said

Wednesday, 23 January 2013


TheCasualFighter A bit of a plug for myself, but as any of you who have read my post on here will know I am also an avid Street Fighter player! This is my YouTube channel that features matches between top level fighters and just friends and online pals. I hope you take the time to check it out, the quality is great I'm quite happy with my Elgato device. Remember folks a dog can fuck an elephant, but an elephant can't fuck a dog! Nuff Said

One from Johnny

20 years ago one of the best batman films to hit the big screen was released. This film still holds up to this very day. Take a trip down memory lane and give this one a re watch

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

J bone says...

2013 comic book films

A very nice list of comic book films to come out this year I'm looking very forward to most of em.

  • Iron man 3
  • The wolverine
  • Man of steel
  • Kick Ass 2

Just to name a few. Hopefully Wolverine will be a lot better than the first film.The storyline of course to comic fans know it is a frank miller story so lets get R rated. Iron-Man 3 is looking really cool as well the trailer for this bad boy is online for yer viewing pleasure. Also Very interested to see what Zack Snyder is gonna do with the Man of Steel. Theres gonna be a lot of slow to fast shots of everything to say the least.

Don't forget to pick up yer comics this week nerdo's and check out that Uncanny Avengers book. Judging by this pic wolverine is looking super promsing.

New Ultimate Wolverine Series

While I am the first to harp on lazy writing and bring characters back from the dead, I want Ultimate Wolverine back. I know Jimmy is there, but come on, he's fucking lame. Some blond haired wolverine that really doesn't bring the same feeling that Logan did(or James I should say). I know at the end of extinction(which was dumb as fuck and killed the ultimate x universe in my opinion,come on, who gives a shit about Kitty Pride) they killed him, but his arm was seen floating to the bottom of the ocean, so they could potentially bring his hairy ass back. It just sucks because everyone says he is way too overused(which I to some respect agree to, doesn't need to be on the Avengers, but Im cool with it) but he really brought something to the Ultimate Universe. Anyways, I'm gonna check this shit out and I'm gonna hope that they bring his ass back. Nuff Said

Monday, 21 January 2013

Now this is Vega

C'mon Dylan Vega's pretty weak here he is at his finest....

My Undying Love of StreetFighter!!

I know that the majority of our posts are about the Comic Book industry, and trust me its my first love, but goddamn I love Street Fighter! As you can see my main is Vega but I play others. Who's your fav street fighter ever! Reply if you like and hows about you go down to that site YouTube and check out my channel ya dirty bitchez!! Ya I'm dirty like that! Nuff Said

J bone's pick of the week

Looking forward to Uncanny Avengers issue 3 this week. Art by John Cassidy, Words by Rick Remender. This series is off to a great start, pick this one up if you can. also here is Diamonds list of releases for the week of January 23rd 2013

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Age of Ultron

Now this one looks pretty cool. I'm really not too sure what will have to happen these days to make anything feel legit to me. I see all these events and they say this and that is going to change the status quo this and that, but guess what happens everytime, not a fucking thing. Oh, Cyclops is an anti hero now, who gives a fuck, why does that even matter? You think prof X is going to stay dead? What is this, the 100th time they have killed him? I just personally never get too invested into these stories because the only character they usually effect is like Rocket fucking Raccoon! NOW!!! Please marvel, don't fuck this one up, your opportunity is there, make it count! You know why I love Millar's work, because it sticks, when they beat the dad half to death and hung him in the prison, he's fucking dead, bottom line! Stop killing these characters and bringing them back, man up! Nuff Said

Saturday, 19 January 2013

new image from kick ass 2

here's a new image from kick ass 2 cant wait for this one.

Movies this year!

So stupid pumped for the movies coming out this year!! Superman is going to be amazing and Evil Dead looks unbelievable! It's terrible that none of these will ever win any big awards but I'm just hoping that people go out to see these flicks(which I don't suspect will be an issue) so that we don't get the same situation as Dredd! Also if you dirty bitchez haven't yet seen this fucking movie, stop what you are doing right now, pick your nose, and go get your hands on this flick now!! Nuff Said

Getting my PS3 working finally now time to start recording matches online woo hoo got some brokkenG coming down the pipe and my best replays

Friday, 18 January 2013

J bone

my name is jonathan allarie im dylan's partner in crime. looking forward to this blog/podcast our debut should be up in the next few weeks. we'll keep you posted on the content we'll be covering as well as what were currently reading/playing/watching/whatever.
so yah its in the works folks.

THE comic archer

Just wanted to chuck this bad boy up here. Love the character design and the idea of some realism within the DCU. Hawkeye is solid but this guy is the OG. Fuck Robin Hood he ain't got shit on the emerald archer!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

NoughSayde blog

So this is my first time ever on a blog, my buddy forced me to do this(lol)by telling me to quit being a bitch.  So the two of us are starting this for the simple reason that the both of us love to talk comic(mainly), video games, movies, and all sorts of entertainment. 

My main love in comics these days would have to be the absent Mark Millar.  I just feel he brings things to the comic world that are really missing.  As you evolve as a reader should the comic writing not evolve with you.  Anyways, I`m a fan of things Marvel and DC are doing these days, but I just feel as though they are constantly trying to put out these EVENTS as a way to make money.  Now I know that these people, along with their love for writing and drawing the comics, are trying to make money, but come the fuck on!  Siege started off great, ended like a piece of shit.  Civil War started off good, again, Cap gives up after an epic fight, what the fuck!  DC is no better, but just mainly with  storyline not so much events.  Event wise, DC is pretty good.  The crisis series is awesome and the 52 and countdown series were fantastic for being a weekly series.  Other than that, that would be my gripes with both companies, so I suppose I`m more partial to DC but am more fond of characters in Marvel. I`m a big fan of Kirkman books, Invincible`s first fun should be inducted into a comic hall of fame, and The Walking Dead is a book that does not need my adoration, it gets it from everyone else all the time.

Well I suppose for an opening post this works, now lets hope my blog buddy writes his opening lines, unless no one does this and I`m just super noob.  Anyways, reviews and rants are what I offer, that and a computer that doesn`t want to fill me in on how to turn my FUCKING FUNCTION BUTTON OFF!!!!  Later baiters!